The Right Lawyer For You

When searching for the right lawyer, it is important to find an attorney who is experienced. Mr. Krauss has been practicing law since 1991 and has extensive trial experience. He has handled over 100 jury trials over the course of his career. Mr. Krauss offers valuable legal advice to help clients in need of representation in all legal matters. Some of these areas include:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Assault
  • Driving While Intoxicated (Driving Under the Influence) for adults and minors
  • Drug Crimes
  • Fraud
  • Larceny
  • White Collar Crimes
  • Felonies, Misdemeanors
  • Criminal Appeals
  • Post Conviction Motions
  • Personal Injury
  • False Arrests
  • Excessive Force

The firm offers free consultation and provides spanish speaking services. Contact David B. Krauss at or call and speak to Mr. Krauss directly at (212) 965-1161 for a free initial consultation.

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